Articles by Robert Myers, PhD - page 2

Under the Radar: How Girls with ADHD Go Undetected And Why the Correct Diagnosis is Important for Girls and Boys Alike



“I never suspected my nine-year-old daughter’s inability to concentrate was due to ADHD,” said Diane, the mother of three girls. “She isn’t ‘hyper’ or noisy—in fact, just the opposite. Kayla is the middle child—she’s quiet and tends to daydream a lot. We were frustrated because she couldn’t ever seem to concentrate or get her schoolwork... Read more »

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ADHD: Disorder or Difference?



The word “disorder” conjures up images of illness, disease and serious disabilities.  All parents want to see their child as the smartest, most capable and best liked boy or girl on the block.  So why would they want to have a label attached to them that often conveys just the opposite--such as slow learner,... Read more »

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