
When you catch your child in a lie, it’s natural to feel betrayed, hurt, angry, and frustrated. But here’s the truth: lying is a normal child behavior problem. It needs to be addressed, but for most kids, it’s not a character flaw, and it’s not an issue of morality.

Instead, lying is the immature and ineffective way they choose to solve a problem. Rather than fix an underlying problem, your child lies about it.

If your child doesn’t complete his homework, he solves that problem by lying and telling you he did. If your child doesn’t get home before her curfew, she lies about why. Or about where she was or who she was with. Lying is used to avoid consequences rather than face them.

I believe that with kids, lying is used as a faulty problem–solving skill. And it’s our job as parents to teach our children how to solve those problems in more constructive ways. Sometimes that means addressing the lying directly, but other times it means addressing the underlying behavior that made the lie seem necessary.

In this article, I explain the various reasons why kids lie and how to handle specific lying situations.

Kids Lie To Avoid Trouble

Most often, kids lie to avoid trouble. Let’s say they’ve gotten themselves into a jam because they did something they shouldn’t have done. Maybe they broke a rule, or they didn’t do something they were supposed to do, like their chores. If they don’t have another way out, rather than suffer the consequences, they lie to avoid getting into trouble.

Again, in my opinion, the primary reason kids lie is that they don’t have another way of dealing with a problem or conflict. Sometimes it’s the only way they know how to solve a problem. It’s a survival skill, albeit a faulty one.

Kids Lie to Individuate From Their Parents

Sometimes kids use lying as a way to keep part of their lives separate from their parents. In psychology, we call this individuation, and it’s quite normal.

At times it may even seem that they make up needless lies about things that seem trivial. It can be baffling to parents.

And, of course, children lie when they think the house rules are too strict and they decide to disobey them.

Let’s say you have a 16–year–old who isn’t allowed to wear makeup, but all her friends are wearing it. So she wears it outside the house, then lies to you about it. Lying may become a way for her to have you believe she’s following your rules and still do typical teen activities.

Kids Lie To Establish Identity

Kids will use lying to establish an identity, even if that identity is false. This can be used to impress their peers, perhaps in response to peer pressure. Your child might lie to his peers about things he says he’s done (that he hasn’t) to make himself sound more impressive. This is not unusual, and we all know adults who still do this in one way or another.

Kids Lie To Get Attention

When your child is young, and the lies are inconsequential, this behavior may just be his way of getting a little attention. This is normal.

Younger children also make up stories during imaginative play. Understand that this is not lying but rather a way for them to engage their imaginations and start to make sense of the world around them.

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So, when a small child says, “Mommy, I just saw Santa fly by the window,” I think it is very different from an older child who says, “I finished my homework,” when he hasn’t.

Kids Lie To Avoid Hurting Other’s Feelings

At some point, most people learn how to bend the truth in order not to hurt other people’s feelings. If someone asks you if you like their new shoes, and you don’t, you might still say, “Hey, those look great on you” instead of being completely honest.

But kids don’t have the same sophistication that adults do, so it’s often more comfortable for them to lie instead. This type of lying is a first step toward learning how to say something more carefully.

Indeed, we teach our kids to lie when we say, “Tell Grandma you like the present even if you don’t because it will hurt her feelings otherwise.”

We have a justifiable reason—we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings who’s gone out of their way for us. Nevertheless, we are still teaching our kids how to bend the truth. And again, this is normal.

Lying in Children is Not Usually a Moral Issue

I don’t believe lying in children is a moral issue. Therefore, I think it’s imperative not to take it personally if your child lies.

Indeed, most kids don’t lie to hurt their parents. They lie because there’s something else going on. The important part for you as a parent is to address the behavior behind the lie. If you’re taking it personally, you’re probably angry and upset—and not dealing with the behavior that led to the lie.

Here’s an example. Let’s say your child didn’t do his homework, but he told you he did. When you find out that he’s lying and confront him, he confesses and explains that he was playing sports with friends after school, and that’s why he didn’t do his homework.

At this point, you have a choice to make as a parent. Either you can focus on the fact that your child lied to you, or you can focus on the fact that he did not complete his homework.

I strongly recommend that you focus on the underlying behavior—the homework not being completed. As your child improves the underlying behavior, the reason for lying will go away. He won’t need to lie.

In contrast, if you yell at your child about the lying, about being betrayed, or about being disrespected, then that’s all you’re going to be able to address. Your child will shut down. And you’re not going to be able to deal with the real issue of your child ensuring that his homework is completed.

The bottom line is that your anger and frustration about the lie is not going to help your child change the behavior (not doing his homework) that made the lie necessary for him.

So lying is not strictly a moral issue; it’s a problem–solving issue. Lying is a lack of skills issue and an avoiding consequences issue. Your child isn’t lying because he is immoral; he’s lying because he can’t figure out how to get his homework done on time.

Most kids know right from wrong—that’s why they’re lying in the first place. They don’t want to get in trouble for what they’ve done, and they’re using lying to solve their problems.

That means our kids need better problem-solving skills, and you can respond as a parent by helping them work on their ability to problem-solve, which can be accomplished with effective consequences that teach your child how to problem-solve.

Pick Your Battles: Focus on the Serious Lies

I believe it’s the parent’s job to determine which lies are serious and which are not. And the most serious lies pertain to unsafe, illegal, or risky behavior. Therefore, I recommend that you pick your battles and focus on the serious lies.

For example, you may hear your child say to another child, “Oh, I like that dress,” and then later on in the car, they tell you, “I didn’t like that dress.” You might decide to confront your child about this contradiction. But you might also let it go, especially if this happens only occasionally.

But if they’re lying about something risky or illegal or unsafe, you must address it. And if it’s about risky sexual behavior, drugs, or other harmful activities—you may need to seek some help from a professional.

So pick your battles. Focus on what’s important.

What to Do If You Catch Your Child in a Lie

If you catch your child in a serious lie, I recommend that you do not react immediately. Instead, send him to his room so you can calm down. Talk with your spouse or a trusted friend or family member and come up with a game plan. Allow yourself time to think about how to handle the situation.

Remember, when you respond without thinking, you’re not going to be effective. So give yourself a little time to plan this out.

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When you do talk, don’t argue with your child about the lie. Just state what you saw, and what is obvious. You may not know the reason for the lie, but eventually, your child might fill you in on it. Again, simply state the behaviors that you saw.

The conversation might go something like this:

“I got a call from our neighbor. She saw you sneaking out of your window. And I noticed that you were falling asleep at the kitchen table this morning at breakfast. But you told us that you were home all night.”

And then say to your teen:

“There’s going to be a consequence for that. You’re not going to be able to stay over at your friend’s house next weekend. And we’re concerned about where you went.”

Leave the door open for him to tell you what happened.

Remember, state what you believe based on the facts you have. Do it without arguing; just say it matter–of–factly.

“We have this information, we believe it to be true, and these are the consequences.”

Keep it very simple and listen to what your child has to say, but be firm.

How to Address Chronic Lying: Stage a Lying Intervention

If your child lies chronically or lies about unsafe, risky, or unhealthy behavior, I think it makes sense to address the actual lying in addition to the underlying behavior. You can do this by staging a lying intervention.

A lying intervention is a planned and structured conversation about lying behavior. This conversation lets your child know what you’ve been seeing, and it gives you a chance to tell them that you are concerned.

Here are some things to keep in mind when staging an intervention.

Plan the Intervention in Advance

Think about how you’re going to intervene in advance. Plan it with your spouse or co-parent. If you’re single, ask another close adult family member to be there with you.

When this issue came up with our son, my husband James and I planned out what we were going to say, how we were going to react, and even where we were going to sit.

We decided we were going to be as neutral and unemotional as possible. We identified the problem behaviors we wanted to address. We also decided what would be the consequences for our son’s behavior.

We did all of this ahead of time.

Be Specific About the Lying Behavior

When you’re talking with your child, be specific about what you saw and what the problems are. State your intentions calmly and matter-of-factly:

“If the lying about homework continues, this will be the consequence.”

“It’s obvious you snuck out last night. There will be a consequence for that behavior.”

Remember, it has to be a consequence that you can and will follow through with.

Keep the Intervention’s Message Simple

Keep it very focused and simple for your child. Concentrate on the behavior. And then tell him that you want to hear what was happening that made him feel he needed to lie.

Understand that you are not looking for an excuse for the lie, but rather to identify the problem your child was having that they used lying to solve.

Be direct and specific. The intervention itself should be quick and to–the–point. Don’t lecture your child for a long time. Remember that lecturing is not going to be helpful. Kids just tune that out. They’ve heard it over and over. They stop listening, and nothing changes. Lecturing is ineffective.

Take Time to Listen to Your Child

Because lying is most likely the way your child is trying to problem-solve, make sure you indicate that you want to hear what’s going on with her. Allow your child to explain herself and be prepared just to listen.

She may not be ready to talk with you about it initially. Therefore, just be open to hearing what your child’s problem is. You want to create a safe environment for her to open up to you.

But if your child is not ready, don’t push her. Instead, simply reiterate that you are willing to listen whenever she wants to talk. Try to be patient.

Related content: How to Talk to Your Child About Lying

A Word about Magical Thinking

Be aware that kids and adolescents are prone to engage in what psychologists call magical thinking. Your child engages in magical thinking when he convinces himself that his lies are true. Understand that your child doesn’t want to believe he’s a liar. No one wants to be known as a liar.

So you’ll see kids who’ve gotten caught smoking at school say, “No, I wasn’t smoking”—even though the smoke is still in the air. That’s magical thinking.

And when you’re a kid, you think that if you keep repeating the same thing over and over again, it will magically be true.

Moreover, if your child gets away with a few lies, he will start thinking he should be able to get away with them the next time. The lies become more and more abundant—and absurd.

But it’s your job as a parent to say in a matter–of–fact way what you feel is the truth. Acknowledge the lie, but give the consequence for the behavior, not for the lie.


Realize that most kids are not going to lie forever. In all my years in working with adolescents, there were very, very few kids that I met who lied chronically for no reason. Usually, kids don’t lie arbitrarily; they have a reason for doing so, no matter how wrong that reason might be. Your child does know right from wrong, but sometimes he chooses to lie.

I understand that it’s hard not to take lying personally or to be disappointed when your child lies. But just remember, your child is trying to solve a problem ineffectively. Our job is to teach them appropriate and effective ways to solve problems and to coach them through these confusing years. Over time, they can learn to do that without lying.

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Notes and References


Janet Lehman, MSW, has worked with troubled children and teens for over 30 years. A veteran social worker, she specializes in child behavior issues — ranging from anger management and oppositional defiance to more serious criminal behavior in teens. She is co-creator of The Total Transformation® Program, The Complete Guide To Consequences™, Getting Through To Your Child™, and Two Parents One Plan™.

Comments (29)
  • Unsure
    Unsure about my situation. My 15 year old says my rules are over the top. The one he has the most issues with is no phone after 10pm and no computer after 11pm. I have a rule he can game but not conversating with his female friends after 10pm.More Tonight he was gaming until 1230 am and then he told me it was one of his guy friends. When I pushed him on it he continued to say it was his guy friend. I saw his tablet that was connected to same game on computer that he was talking to a girl. I was am upset that he lied about who he was talking to. But more so that he broke the rule of no computer after 11 and no talking to anyone. He added her on the computer so when the phone shut off he still continued on the computer. When I asked him why he lied he says because other kids don't have rules like mine. Everyone gets to talk until 1 or 2 am. That im overbearing. To me that's absolutely ridiculous. Am I living under a rock or something? Do parents really let their kids stay up all night on the phone or computer? How do I address this. I think my rules are pretty lenient this child would not sleep if I didn't have any rules. Any advice is appreciated. I grounded him from all electronics for a week. Am I being to harsh? He's an only child and I'm struggling at this stage.
  • Dawn J Esq
    My son is 13, 7th grade, ADHD inactive. last year was hard with virtual learning, now he's barely turning in anything. Its come to me monitoring daily what's been turned in to the best that I can do but he continues to lie to me about having turnedMore missing assignments in. he's had consequences, to no avail-he is my youngest child of 4. help.
  • Gale
    Can't talk to her. Won't engage in any conversation,uses what I am upset about against me and does it again and denies she's doing anything, it's all me.
  • Wy Wy

    I just found out that my 10 yo girl has been lying to her so called best friend in school about her own background such as;-

    - her parents have divorced n rarely come home early (totally untrue and quite opposite. I am a homemaker and are always around for my girls and my husband usually returns home early from work)

    - we live in a five-storey house and own a few cars (we live in an apartment and have only 2 cars)

    - we have a gym in our house (we don't, her cousin has)

    - She has also been chatting online with her friends on the sly while having her classes online.

    I don't understand why she lied about such things and doing things on the sly when I always encourages her to speak only the truth and also seek my permission before she chats with her friends, which I hv never rejected her request before.

    Please could you advise me what to do? Note that she doesn't know that I found out about her lies.

    • Denise Rowden, Parent CoachEP Coach

      I can understand your distress. Lying is a challenging behavior for many parents to address. We have several articles that offer helpful tips for managing lying in children and teens. You can find those here:https://www.empoweringparents.com/article-categories/child-behavior-problems/lying/

      We appreciate you reaching out and sharing your story. Be sure to check back and let us know how things are going, Take care.

  • AtMyWitsEnd
    I don't even know where to start. My 12yo has all this school year lied to me on an almost weekly basis about homework completion. She's always has issues with math and it's what she will lie about. It started when we had to go to a hybrid schedule 2More weeks into the school year. She attends in person 2 days a week in person all other days are virtual. She has supervision throughout the day at her day camp, but they do not help with anything except chromebook/tech issues. Then she has another hour of just hanging out with her friends at the club before I'm off work. Our routine is when she gets picked up I ask about any work in each subject. Then we get home and either do what is left or I check for completion before she's allowed phone time. But repeatedly she's said it's all completed, and even with the daily checks and phone restriction she lies. She's admitted to knowing it was there and wanted to just do it later. Everytime it's been math assignments, it makes some sense because it's the subject she struggles with, but why continue to lie if she know she'll still have to sit down and do it like normal? I've emailed her teacher multiple times telling him when we've spent what I consider an extended period of time on a single assignment i.e. 30 minutes or more for 1 workbook page, I've repeatedly said depending on the assignment sometimes I can't help much and we google YouTube videos. I just get the same response of assignments and due dates are based on what an average student can complete. I don't know if I should say X amount of time on this then I don't care what the teacher says we are done for the night, finish it late and see if that improves the lying? We still haven't been able to get tutoring because she's not "failing". So do I just let her fail to get help? I just want her to be honest, not avoid it something that's hard. All that gets is negative consequences but I can't seem to get through to her. It's progressed to no phone, no radio at night, books taken away(very big reader I do feel guilty for that one). The amount of time without her privileges has progressed like we wrote down when this started. Now up to 3 weeks to earn all back. The only phone pass during those times is texting and calling her dad after school work is done. He's unfortunately not very supportive in any of this only "you should just get it done and stop lying to your mom". I don't know what else I can do.
  • My 10yr old Daughter is starting to lie repeatedly...

    Hi everyone, searching for some advice. My family is a blended family, and have been together as a family for nearly 4 years. My daughter has recently started, or my partner feels not so recently, telling constant white lies, either to get out of doing homework, or to get another snack, or just generally get her own way in a situation. Last night, after some decorating had taken place, dust accumulated on the hoover in the hallway. After my daughter had gone to bed, my partner noticed the word idiot wrote in the dust on the hoover. He was really upset, Although their relationship has been challenging over the years, recently I felt it had improved and they had become closer. Anyway, he took the writing left personally, and thought it was directed at him. I although not pleased that this type of word had been written, couldn’t understand why he thought it was directed at him.

    When I confronted my daughter about it, she denied writing it, although was the only other person in the house with us that evening. I pointed out the facts, and said it’s really difficult to believe you when I keep catching you out in lies, but I just don’t understand it. They had got on fine that evening, my daughter didn’t seem to have any resentment against my partner for anything that she would tell me anyway. So I just don’t understand it. What do I do to prevent the lies continuing?

    Many thanks

  • 14 year old daughter - constant lying
    We have a 14 year old daughter and she has been lying about everything lately. She already sees a therapist once a week and she says she likes talking with her. But the lies are about homework, when she knows we can check and the teacher calls. They're also aboutMore leaving things in her room, like plates, snack, cups etc. and hiding them. When confronted she just says she's not lying and then when we ask her why, she doesn't have a reason. We've taken her phone away, all social media which for her is just Instagram. We have permissions on her phone so she cant just do anything. We've taken away television and still she lies. We just at our wits end with this. Any advice would be great.
  • Concerned Cousin
    So I have a cousin who is 9 years old. I just came into town last night for Christmas and brought my dog with me. I had been in the bathroom getting ready for bed and when I came down, she said to me, "While you were in the bathroom,More Zoe came down here", even though I had her shut in one of the bedrooms. The house is pretty small and I would have heard the dog come out and go downstairs, so this is particularly concerning to me that she seems to have lied out-of-the blue, for no apparent reason, without being prompted. It's not like I had asked her about Zoe. Once I came down the stairs, she just volunteered this story. Why is she doing this? Making up lies when there's no reason to lie. Why say the dog came downstairs when she didn't?
    • Rebecca Wolfenden, Parent CoachEP Coach
      Thank you for writing in. I hear how concerned you are about your cousin’s behavior, and choice to lie. Because we are a website aimed at helping people become more effective parents, we are limited in the advice and suggestions we can give to those outside of aMore direct parenting role. As outlined in our article, How to Discipline Someone Else's Child, you might consider bringing this up with her parents, and ask how you should handle this kind of situation if it happens again. We wish you the best going forward. Take care.
  • Tracy
    We have custody of 3 grandsons and the middle boy, age 11,lies a lot. It is nearly impossible to believe anything he says. No matter how it is handled, how we explain to him, "this is how to handle it" he lies more times than not. What can we do?
    • Rebecca Wolfenden, Parent CoachEP Coach
      Lying can be such a frustrating behavior to address for so many families, especially when it becomes a repeated pattern. As Janet Lehman outlines in the article above, it’s helpful not to take your grandson’s behavior personally, and instead to view his lying as a faulty method he isMore using to solve a variety of problems. In addition to the lying intervention, you might also consider having a conversation with him about what he can do differently. During this conversation, it’s going to be useful to have him come up with how he can handle these situations on his own, rather than you telling him what to do. When kids feel involved, they are more likely to follow through when the time comes. You might find some additional tips in The Surprising Reason for Bad Child Behavior: “I Can’t Solve Problems” and “How Dare You Lie to Me!“ How to Deal with a Lying Teen. I recognize how difficult this must be for you, and I hope that you will write back and let us know how things are going for you and your family. Take care.
  • Maranda
    My son is 8. He doesn't lie all the time... it's more of a way for him to get out of something else he's done. I picked him up from the bus stop and he was glum and crying already. he took another child's fidget spinner off the shelf inMore the classroom ( it was already confiscated by the teacher). When the teacher found out he took it , he lied and said it was his. of course I received a note home about his actions. He was upset already because he knows you get grounded when you get bad notes... but he still chose to lie... what should I do?
    • drowden
      Hi, Maranda. It’s not uncommon for kids to lie in an attempt to get out of trouble. Lying is a poor problem solving skill. When a child is faced with a problem he doesn’t know how to handle, like having to face the consequences of his actions, he may lieMore because he doesn’t know what else to do. And, he may continue to lie until he develops a more effective problem solving skill, even though he knows the behavior only adds to his troubles. Janet Lehman does give some great tips for how to address lying in children and teens in the above article. Another article you may find helpful is Kids and Lying: Does Your Child Twist The Truth? We appreciate you writing in. Take care.
  • Robin

    So.... I have two boys ages 9 and 4. We are having issues with my oldest with lying....all the time.... about everything and not just little fibs but blatant lies, things I have no idea why he would even think to lie about. When I say everything I mean I could catch him in the middle of doing something he's not suppose to be doing and he will fight to the death that he wasn't doing it, knowing full well he was caught and that I saw him. But the very idea of owning up to the truth appears to be a concept that is unknown to him.

    He lies when he doesn't even have a reason to lie. This issue has been ongoing for quite sometime now. My husband and I have done everything you could think of to curb this behavior, from losing electronics, chores, groundings,spending more time with him, sitting down and calmly talking to him about the importance of telling the truth, being honest and taking responsibility for his actions and understanding there are consequences for our actions good and bad. I have told him so many times that the truth may get him in a little trouble but not nearly as much as lying will. I have read countless articles, adjusted my own behavior to try and help, I ask him why he feels the need to lie, he just says he doesn't know. But no matter how calmly I address the problem or how upset we get with him...the behavior doesn't change. It's like a second nature to him. Compulsive. Only at home though.

    I have personally gone and spoke to our family doctor about it and was pretty much shrugged off as it being a phase. It is getting to the point where even his younger brother is beginning to lie all the time as well (though its easier to get him to admit when he has fibbed). He lies to the point that it is incredibly difficult to tell when he actually is telling the truth. He will swear up and down that he is being honest, crying saying I never believe him (which of course makes me feel unbelievably guilty) and then not 5 minutes later he's caught in a lie. I make sure to praise him and tell him how proud I am of him, and on a daily basis when he lies I explain to him that I know(because I do) that he is better then the lies he tells and is capable of so much better. I hug and kiss my kids every day. I tell them I love them and make sure to express that love openly. They know that no matter what they do..I will always love them, that nothing in this world will ever change that.

    I'm struggling, no matter how consistent we are nothing seems to be helping. I've lost my patience and find myself losing my temper way more then I'm proud off, I question myself constantly on what I'm doing wrong. I'm at my wits end. I don't know what else to do. Please Help!

    • Rebecca Wolfenden, Parent Coach
      I hear you. Lying can be such a tough pattern to address for many families, so you are not alone in dealing with this. As outlined in the article above, it tends to be more effective to view lying as a faulty problem-solving skill, rather than as aMore moral failing or character flaw. So, part of changing this pattern will be helping your son to build more appropriate skills. For example, you might ask him “What could you do differently instead of lying next time?” You might find some additional tips in “How Dare You Lie to Me!“ How to Deal with a Lying Teen. Please be sure to write back and let us know how things are going for you and your family. Take care.
  • Diane
    My 12 year old son has been lying to the school nurse and school and now I am going to court because off my son he has been saying that I don't have food in the cupboard and I do and I can prove it and he says heMore don't eat at school or home but I have photos and videos to prove it
  • KWJ
    Thank you for these tips. After reading this, I calmed down, apologized to my child for getting angry, then calmly talked about why he felt the need to lie. He said he felt better after the conversation. Hopefully this will prevent him from lying so much, but if not, heMore knows there are repercussions. Great post.
  • elalinga

    Asking permission to share this article at facebook page.

    thank you.


    • RebeccaW_ParentalSupport
      elalinga Thank you for your question.  You are welcome to share our articles, blogs and other materials on social media, as long as you attribute credit to the article and our site.  You can also follow our https://www.facebook.com/ParentingAdvice/ for additional material from Empowering Parents.  Thank you again for reaching out,More and please let us know if you have any additional questions.  Take care.
  • Tammy Neese
    I am not sure how to contact you to ask permission to share a quote from your article on a closed FB Group. I am the administrator of a parent group for "at risk" high school students attending a residency high school. Will you please let me know how toMore get permission to share a part of your article. Thank you.
    • RebeccaW_ParentalSupport
      Tammy Neese Thank you for your question.  You are welcome to share our articles, blogs and other materials on social media, as long as you attribute credit to the article and our site.  You can also follow our https://www.facebook.com/ParentingAdvice/ for additional material from Empowering Parents.  Thank you again for reachingMore out, and please let us know if you have any additional questions.  Take care.
  • Good Article
    I am personally a teen who has lied and i really wanted to get the point of view of my parents, i have had this lying problem for a couple years and am still working on it, i definitely reccomend parents to use these methods since my parents have doneMore so and it has been going better ever since.
  • Stepmom Paradise
    Thank you so much for this great article! It has helped me tremendously with some issues that we are having at this moment.
  • Denise Darcel
    Thank you so much. Reading this information has given me peace of mind. I had a great concern for my grandkids. I will take this information and use it. I believe it will be a blessing for them. Thank you ver much
  • Swati
    Great article.
  • deep

    Excellent! Thank you for this post. I was really upset when I caught my child lying. and as you say my first reaction was to take it personally and be upset that he lied. 

    Your article helped me to calm down and now I will apply your advise.

    Thanks again. Your article made a difference to me and my child

  • G mom
    This was helpful to get my mind centered and see the problem from my child's perspective. Thank you!
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